You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.
- Dr. Seuss "Oh the Places You'll Go"

Sunday, May 29, 2011

How about a little boating?

Today was a really great day. Robinson, the Indian director of RSO (literally he is in charge of all native employees), planned a big outing today for all the staff of RSO. Teacher training has finished and things have been starting to fall into place with the school and hostels, so this day off was much needed and was a sort of celebration for all the hard work we have been putting in. We left campus at 8:00am and drove to Kovalam, a beach city about two hours east of us. I didn't know what to expect from boating in India--a big yacht? a canoe? a rowboat? Who knows! What it ended up being was little motorboats (each seated between 8 and 10) that we rode around a big lake. It took about 5 boats to fit all the RSO staff and current volunteers. I was in a boat with the other coordinators, Jim and Pam Gates (the managing directors) and Vikram (the go-to-guy in the office who does everything from passport information to buying fruit). It was EXTREMELY hot outside but it was so fun seeing all the staff relaxed and having so much fun together.
Lovely teachers boarding the boats



 Please let me know ASAP if this video actually plays as porn...this happened to me last year.

The lake smelled horrible but it was completely worth it. :)
After the lovely boat ride, we stopped at...wait for it.....a crocodile zoo!!!!! It actually wasn't technically called "crocodile zoo" but that's basically what it was. There were TONS of crocodiles separated by species into various habitats. It was so crazy because some of them were HUGE!! It was just another great part of the outing day with the staff. 
 Did you know crocodiles could jump?? This was new to me....thankfully they have this beautifully illustrated sign.

A very small portion of all the crocs.

Yet another very informative and well illustrated sign.

I was scared...can you see the croc in the background? 

These four ALWAYS brighten my day: Thani ka, TJ, Vel, and Shaun Kar

After the crocodile zoo, we went to the beach city Mammalapurum. I went to this city last year and saw all the ruins and sites then so this was a very chill visit. We had lunch with the Gates and Robinson's family and then just took time to wander the streets and window shop. All of the teachers and staff during this time went to the beach and swam in the ocean. One of the many things I love about Indian people is that they swim in whatever clothes they are wearing that day. All the teachers got in the ocean in their saris and had an amazing time playing in the waves, chatting with each other, and just generally having a great day off.

Our outing finally came to an end and we all came home exhausted. One thing that has been so great about teacher training and going to this outing is that I know a lot of the teachers and staff now and I feel very comfortable with them. I don't know what it is about Rising Star, but every person that they hire is wonderful!! All the drivers, teachers, groundstaff, office staff, EVERYONE, is just plain great. I am so blessed and grateful to be working with such amazing people for the next year of my life. It's going to be a good year. :)


p.s. I am really behind on blogging--the kids have already come, as well as, the first set of volunteers.....I will try to catch up asap, cause it's only gonna get busier.

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