You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.
- Dr. Seuss "Oh the Places You'll Go"

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

This past Thanksgiving was definitely one that I will remember for the rest of my life. Besides the fact it was great, the sheer unique-ness of the day was unlike any Thanksgiving I've ever had before.

We started the day by going to the Bhadallapuram leprosy colony. This is one of my favorite colonies and to be able to go there on Thanksgiving with Mom was an amazing way to start the day. Since it is monsoon season, a tremendous rainstorm met us at the colony and we went through most of medical in almost complete darkness. Once we finished medical we had some time to look at paintings in the art school before heading back to Rising Star. Nothing reminds you more of what to be thankful for than spending Thanksgiving in a leprosy colony treating the leprosy-afflicted.

Our view of the river (aka road) outside the hut where we met with the patients

 Mom did awesome working the blood pressure station

The lady may look angry but she definitely was not

Nithya, Shaunkar, Mom and I at the blood pressure station--we had oodles of fun :)

looking at paintings at the Bhindu Art School

When we got back to campus after medical, we had a little time to rest before we had to start cooking for our Thanksgiving feast. Despite being in India, Jim and Pam still wanted to have an American Thanksgiving. They bought a turkey that was flown over from the United States and all of the long-term volunteers were in charge of a dish. For some reason in India, no one has ovens--it's really weird. Mostly we make due with microwave convection ovens but for the turkey that just wouldn't work. Jim had planned ahead of time to ground-cook the turkey. He wrapped it in banana-leaves and foil and had a pit dug on campus. Everything was off to a good start on Thanksgiving day...then the monsoon hit. Before he knew it the pit was filled with water and all he had to show for his meticulously-laid plans was one uncooked turkey. Jim, though, did not let this stop him from helping all of us to have a fabulous Thanksgiving. He cut up the turkey and used every microwave/convection oven on campus to cook the turkey. Dr. Susan was a tremendous help and went to her house (about an hour and a half away) and brought her personal oven back to Rising Star to help with the turkey cooking process. While all of this was happening, Mom and I were hard at work cooking our assigned dish: mashed potatoes and gravy. We made our dish without difficulty and got all dolled-up in our nicest chuddidhars to go to dinner. Everything turned out wonderful and the meal was fantastic. Somehow we managed to pull off an American Thanksgiving in India. :)

Our beautiful Thanksgiving table

The thing I was most thankful for was to have Mom with me on Thanksgiving.

With Jim and Pam--without them the amazing Thanksgiving never would have happened.

Thanksgiving picture...indian style (they never smile in their pictures)

After our delicious meal, we were in the Green House settling down to watch White Christmas when Melissa ran in soaking wet and told us all to come dance in the pouring rain with her. Obviously we all immediately ran out the door with her up to the roof of the Elephant House where we danced in the rain and rejoiced in the fact that we are all living in this beautiful country. When the rain slowed and we headed back inside, we all ended the night by putting on our nighties and snuggling on the couch watching White Christmas. It was the perfect end to a perfect Thanksgiving :)

There are few things better than dancing in the rain 

Mom braved the monsoon to be our photographer--thanks Mom!

Let the rain come!

With the long-term girls: Anne, me, Melissa, Diana

As is tradition at Thanksgiving dinner, we went around the table and everyone said 3 things they were thankful for. The things I am thankful for this year are: 
  • My mom being in India with me for Thanksgiving week and my wonderful family back in the states--they can't be beat.
  • The opportunity I have to be here in India working at Rising Star. Even though at times it's hard, crazy, and stressful, it is an amazing place and I have learned things and met people here that have changed me forever.
  • The beautiful people and children that are with me here in India. As mentioned above, they are truly some of the most astounding people I have ever met. Their resilience, compassion, power, grace, selflessness, humor, and love will forever be an integral part of my life.

1 comment:

  1. This Thanksgiving was truly the most memorable of my life! Thank you Kenady, Pam & Jim Gates, Lyndsey C, Ann, Diana, Melissa, Trish, Lisa, Laura, Becca, Lyndsey, and Selina....all of the long-term and short-term volunteers who I spent Thanksgiving with:) And of course beautiful Dr. Susan for getiing her oven for us! xoxo Kathy (Mom)
