You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.
- Dr. Seuss "Oh the Places You'll Go"

Friday, September 10, 2010


Hello all! I am back in the blogospheere and excited to let you all stalk my life! That sounds sarcastic but I really am addicted to blogging and LOVE hearing about people that like to follow and read my blog--so keep on reading! School has started and life is getting back into the same old pattern of school and work, school and work. I am actually typing this blog while I sit in my three hour assessment class. This is my last year at BYU and to be honest I am SO ready to be done! Five years is a long time to be at one school. I am also anxious to get back to India working and playing with the kids and all the people there--it's really making these last two semesters seem really least there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Well, since I haven't blogged in so long, I have yet another Rising Star experience to share. The week before school started, Rising Star held a charity golf tournament in Heber, Utah. Shawn Bradley (the former NBA player) hosted the event and it included some amazing prizes (they were giving away a Harley and a boat!), food catered by Cafe Rio, and a President's Brunch where Becky Douglas, Rising Star's founder, spoke and told Rising Star's story. Amy Antonelli set-up the event and had asked former volunteers if they could come and help serve and work the event. It was really fun to volunteer because Audrey and Soren and Dani (some of the other volunteers from when I was in India) were also there volunteering and it was great to see them and work with them again. We arrived at the event bright and early and were able to help set-up the tent where the brunch would take place and register the players as they arrived. The whole event was VERY nice and the players really got some great stuff (each player got a golf shirt and a swag bag filled with goodies). On a random note, I worked at the registration table and I was able to register and meet LaVell Edwards--the BYU football LEGEND! (I was tempted to tell him that I live down the street from his stadium but thought that would be weird and irrelevent). After I finished registering players, another volunteer and I worked as witnesses at hole 15 to see if anyone got a hole-in-one. The prize for getting a hole-in-one at this hole was a Harley Davidson motorcycle so it was important to know for sure if a player really won the prize. This was a relaxing job because we got to sit in camping chairs out in the sun all day....this was not an easy job because it was blazing hot and we were in all black and we had to keep an eye out for balls to make sure they didn't hit us (a couple got really close). Even with these elements and the eventual sunburn, it was fun to do and now I can say I have worked as a witness at a golf tournament! After this job, I went back to the main tent and helped to serve the players lunch. Becky and Shawn Bradley both spoke and it was a great culmination to the event. I helped breakdown the tent before heading home. I love working and helping Rising Star and the whole golf tournament was a great success and was a wonderful day for me.

This is myself and Amy with Shawn Bradley. He is just as nice as he is tall :)

Well, that's all for now. More posts to come soon!


1 comment:

  1. YEAHHHH, you're back! I think you should pay more attention in class though, but I also think you're charitable work is amazing and inspiring. You really make a difference girl!
