This was my exact reaction when I first heard about Rising Star and the work they are doing. People with leporsy in India are shunned and forced to live in squalor. Their only resource and means of making money before Rising Star was through begging. Rising Star has started micro-lending systems within the colonies to help the lepers become self-sufficient. They also help to provide medical aid. Another major aspect of Rising Star is the school they have built for the children from the leprosy colonies. Even though many of the children don't have leprosy, because their parents are afflicted they are seen as lepers as well. Rising Star is providing a safe learning environment for these children where they can learn and grow without the social stigma that is attached to leprosy. For more information go to risingstaroutreach.org
you're amazing :) when do you go? (you might have said that somewhere/sometime but i don't remember) haha