I realize I am not doing well thus far with this whole blogging business. My last post was at the beginning of February and it is now May...oops. Since my last post I have successfully finished my first elementary education practicum, finished the semester, and gone on the annual after finals California trip! With all that under my belt, it's now full steam ahead with packing and planning for India. I have gotten all the necessary immunizations (which, by the way, there are a TON! What is Japanese Encephalitis anyways?) booked the flight, and gotten my visa. I have had a checklist taped to my closet since January (I love checklists) and it never ceases to give me a little jolt of joy to check off another item on the list. One thing that was very satisfying to check-off was raising the required $2000 for Rising Star to be able to take part in the program. If you are reading this and you donated on my behalf: THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I seriously couldn't have done it without you! Even if you didn't donate I am still so thankful for your support and hopefully you will further look into Rising Star Outreach's work in India. Well, that's all I really have for now--I will leave you with a picture of the beautiful city of Chennai, India, the city I will be flying into in India before going to Rising Star's compound.

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