You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.
- Dr. Seuss "Oh the Places You'll Go"

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Ok, so I realize this blog is dedicated to India but I must take a post and digress, if I may. To stray from my intended subject matter means that the topic at hand is very special, important and dear to my heart. Naturally that subject is:

Harry Potter

Let me start out by saying that I am quite the Harry Potter fan. I have read all the books (multiple times) and been to every midnight showing for the movies. Some of my best memories from junior high/high school include going to said midnight movies and the midnight book release parties with Easton. Every time a new book would come out the rest of the world would stop for a couple days while I immersed myself in the Harry Potter world. To say they are my favorite books would be putting it lightly--I. Love. These. Books.

Because I have been in India since the end of May, I missed the release of the last movie. I hated getting on Facebook the weekend it was released because EVERYONE was talking about going to see it, how amazing it was, etc. etc. and the fact that I couldn't go see it broke my heart. We tried a few times to see the movie in theaters but this is quite the task. The closest movie theater with American movies is 2 hours away and because American movies are only played in a few theaters, you have to buy your tickets a week in advance to be able to get a seat. Every time we would try to get tickets (even many days in advance) the shows were always sold out. I was heartbroken to say the least. One volunteer had a pirated copy of the film, but I was a true fan and held out--I refused to watch the final film off a video someone recorded at the back of the theater.

But finally, today, I was able to watch the final film in all its epic glory. I laughed, I cried, I sat on the edge of my couch two inches away from the computer--it was amazing. I watched it with Anne (who is also a big Harry Potter fan) and by the time the final fight scenes came I don't think either of us were breathing. Even though it strayed from the book, I absolutely LOVED the movie and thought it was a great way to end the film series. Now, I did not write an entire blog post just to give my review of the movie. This blog post is a salute to the end of my Harry Potter childhood. By watching the final film, I feel like a chapter of my childhood has closed. Like I mentioned above, these books and movies have given me many cherished memories and countless hours of joy so for that I have to say

Thanks a bunch J.K.  

Well...this post very well may solidify my nerd-dom...but I really don't care--I LOVE HARRY POTTER AND I DON'T CARE WHO KNOWS IT!


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