You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.
- Dr. Seuss "Oh the Places You'll Go"

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

In honor of the 4th of July I have decided to make a couple lists.

The first is a list of things I love about America:

  • my beautiful home in Vegas
  • my beautiful family in Vegas
  • my awesome friends in Provo and Vegas (and wherever else they have scattered to)
  • traffic lights/some semblance of order while driving
  • the plethora of food options at your fingertips any day at any given time
  • free education available to all (and a pretty good one at that)
  • that I can walk to church in 10 min.
  • that I can go to whatever church I choose
  • the fact that you can get basically anything you want in a matter of minutes
  • the general cleanliness and upkeep of all public places
  • freedom to love/marry anyone you choose
  • reliable power and air conditioning
  • having a pool in my backyard
  • hot showers in the morning
  • Starbucks
  • washers AND dryers in your house/apartment
  • all water is drinkable
  • freedom to be and do whatever you want with your life
I love America so much and feel so blessed to have been born in such a wonderful country. The more time I spend away from America the more I realize that it truly is a blessed land and country. We definitely have our problems, but they are nothing compared to those that trouble many places in the world. I am and will be forever grateful for the sacrifices our fore-fathers made so that we could live in such an amazing place. I LOVE AMERICA!!!!

......ok.....I just had to get that out. Now, because I don't want you all to think that I am hating life over here, I have decided to make my second list.

This is a list of things I love about India:
  • beautiful sunsets and sunrises
  • walking through Thottanaval village and waving to all the people as we pass
  • going to house dedication ceremonies where everyone is invited and they play music over loudspeakers throughout the entire village
  • cramming 30 kindergarten and 1st graders and 7 adults in a 12 seater van to take said kids to get blood-typing done
  • water fights with 160 indian children
  • dancing with Christraj and Rosemary
  • stroking her hair and singing Revathi to sleep her first night at Rising Star and away from her parents
  • watching and dancing with LifeDance (the dance team at Rising Star)
  • Sagayamary's kisses before bed (one on each cheek, one on the forehead and one on the chin) always followed by a big hug
  • Mahalakshmi's smile
  • kissing all the kids goodnight and telling them I love them
  • chatting with Rajakumari, Vikram, Vel, Saraswathi, Vannila Mary, and Kala
  • Christraj's sleepy eyes as his says goodnight to me
  • Kids who come to the principal's office just to see me and say hello
  • Parota
  • the EXTREMELY LOW cost of living
  • how cheap everything is
  • the want of people to give when they themselves have so little
  • Rising Star Outreach


  1. I love both of your lists Kenna! And I love you!! Family fireworks won't be the same tonight without you!! We're watching Goonies!:) xoxox mom
